Wednesday, December 9, 2009


.. soooo ERY1 knows the situation tigerWOODS is in rite now.. or do we really.? i honestly dnt think we do.. & until the man himself comes out & speaks publicly about all of what he is being accused of, how do we know what to REALLY believe.? all i know are the facts.. that Tiger is an AMAZING man.. (besides the fact that he NEVER signs things 4 fans..) he supports well over 7 charities & foundations, & EVEN has one of his own.. the "Tiger Woods Foundation," of which the main goal is to provide youth of all ages w/ the tools & developmental programs they need to explore their interests and career aspirations.! aside of that.. tiger has always been a POSITIVE person.. besides cursing after a bad swing or a missD putt.. b4 this he was a PERFECT roll model.. sooo i say all this basically to show why ill NEVER turn my back on my mans Tiger.. (lOl.. yea, we're cool like that..) nah, but seriously.. regardless if he cheatD or not.. he's paying for it right now by going through what he's going through, which is ALOT.. yet, he has gotten through alot b4.. 1 circumstance being his fathers passing back in 2006 & i feel he will do the same & be just fine after all of this.. at the end, walkin out of this storm as a BETR golfR & an even BETR man.!!

1 comment:

  1. lol no bullshit he still my nigga tho...
    but ol boy kept BIIIG hoes smh lls
